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July 26, 2024

“Holiness Cries” from Bloodlines is OUT NOW!

Bloodlines, emerging from the sun-drenched shores of the Gulf Coast in Texas, solidifies their place in modern -core music with the announcement of their new EP, “Holiness Cries.” Drawing inspiration from genre giants like For Today, Impending Doom, and Convictions, Bloodlines delivers a sound that is both relentless and passionately driven.

In 2021, Bloodlines made their mark with their Facedown debut LP, “HEVEL,” a record that immediately distinguished them in the metalcore scene. Inspired by the biblical book of Ecclesiastes, “HEVEL” delved into life’s seasons with a classic metalcore foundation and a progressive edge.

However, for Bloodlines, their music transcends mere sonic intensity; it serves a higher purpose. The band’s mission is as potent as their sound: to spread the hope and love of Jesus Christ. This mission permeates every riff, lyric, and explosive breakdown that defines their music.

Now, in 2024, Bloodlines returns with “Holiness Cries,” their highly anticipated follow-up EP. This new offering delves deeper into their distinctive sound, exploring themes of redemption, faith, and the human struggle with unflinching honesty. “Holiness Cries” promises to showcase the band’s musical and spiritual evolution, maintaining their authenticity while continuing to uphold their core beliefs.

As Bloodlines forges ahead in the heavy music scene, they stand as beacons of faith and ferocity, boldly proclaiming their message through every crushing riff and soaring melody. For those seeking music that resonates deeply while moving the spirit, Bloodlines invites you to join them on their journey where holiness cries out amidst the chaos of the modern world.