Check out a brand new My Epic song titled “Hail” above and download it for free here.
“In a sense, Hail picks up where Lower Still leaves off. What will that moment be like when all is laid before the Maker. What will I feel when I stand in His presence? I can only imagine that I will be completely speechless. Recently, I had been talking with a friend of mine about the incredible picture painted in Revelation 5. In it, John has a vision of the end of all things and of standing in the presence of G-d Almighty. In that moment he weeps inconsolably because he, nor any other man, is able to make things right. On that day we will all have “empty throats”. We have also spent a lot of time recently as a band thinking on the fact that all of creation is, in a sense, simply spoken words from the mouth of Father G-d. Not only does He create by simply speaking, but He also continually wills it to keep existing by His Spoken Word. The juxtaposition between the complete power of G-d’s word and the complete impotence of my own gave birth to the prayer/psalm that is this song.”