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May 19, 2010

your_memorial We are honored to bring to you the newest member of the Facedown Family: Your Memorial. Your Memorial come to Facedown from Twin Cities, MN, bearing their self released debut album Seasons, and sporting an impressive touring history. Coming up in the shadow of such hometown bands as Disembodied and Martyr A.D., Your Memorial recognized the advantage of following the path blazed by the genre patriarchs and seized the opportunity and the inspiration to make their own indelible mark on the genre. Your Memorial do just that with their brand of progressive crushing rhythms that meld into ambient swells of melody. Although their influences span the genre spectrum, their impassioned laser-focus is what makes Your Memorial a stand-out metal act.

Guitarist Willy Weigel gives a peek behind the curtain of the writing process. “Coming into writing the new album we had one main goal in mind, to write songs with more interesting structure and flow while still creating a dynamic listening experience. We feel like these songs couldn’t achieve that goal any better and we’re really excited to get into the studio to record.” Your Memorial will be releasing their debut Facedown album in the winter of 2010.

Check out their music on their myspace here.